
As configured in the data object in the configuration file, a REST interface is dynamically built. The REST endpoints are composed using the following structure: /api/:entity/[:dev_id]

For example take the following data object.

data: {
  ttn: [

This should result in the following REST endpoints:

  • GET /api/temperature/:dev_id
  • GET /api/humidity/:dev_id
  • GET /api/motion/:dev_id
  • GET /api/light/:dev_id
  • GET /api/battery/:dev_id

:dev_id is optional. If set, it will return the datapoints for the entity. If not provided, it will list all nodes that have a temperature value.

Filtering data

By default the sensor endpoints will return the data of the last 24 hours. Other periods could be used by adding query parameters to the api endpoint.

The following periods are supported:

  • last: Only return the last datapoint
  • hour: All values of the last hours
  • day: datapoints from the last 24 hours, average in a 5 minute interval (288 values)
  • week: datapoints of the last 7 days, average in a 30 minute interval (336 values)
  • month: datapoints of the last 31 days, average in 1 hour intervals (360 values)
  • year: datapoints of the last 365 days, average in 24 hour intervals (365 values)
  • all: all datapoints, average in 24 hour intervals

It is also possible to define custom intervals for each of the periods.


  • GET /api/temperature/:dev_id?period=week
  • GET /api/temperature/:dev_id?period=year;interval=2d
  • GET /api/temperature/:dev_id?period=week;interval=1m
  • GET /api/temperature?period=week;interval=1h

Finally, it is possible to define the period and the number of datapoints required.


  • GET /api/temperature/:dev_id?period=week;datapoints=200
  • GET /api/temperature?period=year;datapoints=200


The API will also provide information about the different sensor that are known by the application. The following endpoint can be used to retrieve all known sensor nodes:

  • GET /api/sensors


If some metadata fields in the configuration have a property rest_endpoint set to true, then the Ding.js will provide REST endpoints for those metadata properties as well.

For example for the metadata configuration below, it will result in addition endpoints. Those endpoints are set with the following structure: /api/:meta_data_name/[:value]

  metadata: [
      name: 'location',
      type: 'string',
      rest_endpoint: true
      name: 'contact',
      type: 'string'
      name: 'room',
      type: 'number',
      rest_endpoint: true
      name: 'installation_date',
      type: 'timestamp'

This will dynamically provide the following endpoints

  • GET /api/location/:value
  • GET /api/room/:value

:value is optional. If set, it will return all nodes for a specific metadata value. If not provided it will return all nodes that are related to that meta_data_name